Monday, September 27, 2010

Favorite Characters from the Action Figures

My favorite characters from the action figures are..................
Cad Bane
Boba Fett
Count Dooku
General Grevious
Imperial Royal Guard
Han Solo in frozen carbonite
Princess Leia in her Boushh disguise

Favorite Characters from the TV shows

My favorite characters from the TV Shows are................
Asajj Ventress
Captain Rex
Cad Bane
Ziro the Hutt
Aurra Sing

Favorite Characters from the books

My favorite charcters from the books are...............
Wat Tambor
Boba Fett as a child

Favorite Characters from the movies

My favorite characters are........
Jabba The Hutt
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Count Dooku
General Grevious
Nute Gunray
Archduke Poggle the Lesser
Darth Maul
Darth Vader

Favorite Star Wars Movie

My favorite star wars movie is Revenge of the Sith. I know call me what you like star wars fans but it's true I am a child of a new generation, and I like the new star wars movies better than I like the old trilogy. Revenge of the Sith had amazing fight scenes and I'm a fan of Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman. I think they really got into the roles as Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. My favorite scene was the face off between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skwalker on Mustafar. When Anakin jumps into the air and gets his legs cut off and then gets his burn marks that will transform him into DarthVader, and right before Obi-Wan leaves he says, "You were my brother Anakin and I loved you," and Anakin replys, "I hate you!"